วันอังคารที่ 8 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Side Pillow SleepRight Splintek ATM (16 "x12" x 3 ") helps to relieve the symptoms of TMJ Syndrome

  • SleepRight Side Sleeping Pillow (16x12x3) - Dimensions: 16x12x3
  • sleep pillow right side is the side most modern bed design
  • "was designed to reduce snoring, insomnia is sleep apnea, head, neck and jaw tension
  • SleepRight Side Pillow by thousands of physicians around the world used
  • is standard washable with a machine, hypo-allergenic, cotton velvet cover

  • SleepRight Side Sleeping Pillow (16x12x3) ----- ----- State of the Art Design SleepRight Side Sleeping Pillow has three important design features that set it apart from all other memory foam pillows. The full facial cradle reduces pressure points on the jaw and ear. This increased blood flow to the facial skin cells means during sleep, which increase the tendency for facial tissues, or decrease. The cradle of the shoulder to 12 degrees to host the acute agle between your head, neck and shou

    List Price: $ 69.95
    Price: $ 82.00

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