วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

* Core Products Tri-Core Cervical Pillow - Standard Test

* Core Products Tri-Core Cervical Pillow - Standard

  • with high quality fiber
  • Helps with headaches, tension, arthritis, neck injuries and more.
  • # 1 fiber support pillow recommended by chiropractors.
  • both back and side sleepers.
  • A drug-free way to alleviate the pain in the neck and head ... even snoring.

  • NEW! durata.NEW Fiber high elastic resilience and the compressed eccezionalicomfort! Stripe-patterned cover has a plush look and feel costoso.Propagandato as the longest period ever Tri-Core, the best pillow saràmantenere adequate support for the neck and comfort throughout the ilvita cuscino.L unique trapezoid center gently cradle his head in position and supported lecollo naturale.Gli doctors recommend the Tri-Core to reduce the pain colloid

    List Price: $ 65.00
    Price: $ 34.28

    1 ความคิดเห็น:

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